Should You Spray Cleaners In Your Microwave?


Should You Spray Cleaners In Your Microwave?

By : Melissa Collison
There are so many places in your home that can gather a lot of dirt in a short amount of time. It includes the bathroom as well as the bedroom. But one of the spaces people rarely talk about is the interior of the microwave. It is one of the most overlooked areas when sprucing up your kitchen appliances. Once you close the door, no one will notice how dirty it actually is until they open or use it. The interior of your microwave tends to harbour sauce splatters, spills, caked-on grime and grease over time. This can lead to mould infestation if you don’t clean it. Fortunately, there are some great cleaning supplies that can make your task easier. Majority of professional end of lease cleaners in Wollongong choose a cleaning product very carefully, especially when cleaning an oven and microwave. In this guide, we will go over whether or not you should spray cleaners in your microwave. Learn the ideal method and cleaner to keep your microwave as clean as possible.

Pay Attention to the Type of Cleaner

One of the most common and easiest ways to clean a dirty microwave is to utilise a standard wipe or spray cleaner. While these products may get the job done, the vast majority of them contain harsh chemicals. That is why you need to consider the type of cleaner you are using to know whether it is safe or not. One way of doing this is by reading the instructions on the product. If it mentions that it is microwave-safe, then you can go ahead. However, if it does not contain that, you might need to rethink your choice. The specialised cleaners are carefully formulated to be food-safe, guaranteeing that there is no harm done when used in food-preparation areas.

Prefer Using DIY Cleaners

The safest and most secure way to use spray cleaners in your microwave is to prepare it yourself at home, according to professional end of lease cleaners in Wollongong. Natural and homemade cleaners are effective, economical, and eco-friendly. A mixture of vinegar and water makes up for a great DIY cleaning solution for microwaves. Just mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. The acidic properties in vinegar will help in breaking down the grime, grease, and food residues while serving as a natural disinfectant. Ensure the spray bottle is labelled, as that will facilitate easy identification along with safe storage.

Take Safety Measures

No matter what type of cleaner you prefer, taking precautionary measures holds supreme importance to protect the microwave and your well-being. Make sure that the microwave is switched off or unplugged. This will prevent accidental activation during the testing and cleaning process. Furthermore, before proceeding, eliminate the food remnants or debris from the interior to prevent contamination with the cleaner. Protecting against any potential chemical reactions between the cleaning solution and food particles is crucial for maintaining a hygienic kitchen appliance.

Conduct a Test in a Small Portion

To know if your preferred cleaner is ideal for the microwave, expert end of lease cleaners in Wollongong recommend conducting a test. Initiate by spraying a tiny amount of cleaning spray on a cloth or sponge. Conduct the test on the microwave’s concealed area, such as the rear wall. This way, you can see if the cleaner does any damage or not. A test like this will help you ensure the cleaner is safe and effective for your microwave while reducing the risk of unintended harm significantly. Make sure you include microwave in your seasonal cleaning to keep it germ-free throughout the year.

Apply in a Controlled Manner

There is no denying that spray cleaners can do wonders in keeping a house neat and clean. But it is best to avoid direct application onto the microwave’s interior surfaces. Overspray can negatively affect the electric components or even the functionality of the microwave. So, a better approach is to just spray the cleaning solution directly on the cloth or sponge. The moistened applicator provides much better control. It also permits you to target specific areas that need cleaning. During this process, it prevents the excessive solution from entering the sensitive mechanical parts.

Dilute the Cleaner

If you are dealing with concentrated cleaners, it is best to dilute them with water. Do it as recommended by the manufacturer. The process of dilution reduces the cleaner’s strength, which makes it safer for microwave surfaces. It does not affect the effectiveness of the cleaning solution. The cleaner will still eliminate tough stains and unpleasant odours easily. But for that, you must follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. It will ensure the cleaner keeps its cleaning properties while being gentle enough for the microwave’s sensitive surfaces. Dilution helps you balance the effectiveness and the safety elements. If you are using a DIY cleaner, then ensure you are using the ingredients in the right proportions.

Wrapping Up

There is no one single answer to the question: should you spray cleaners in a Microwave? It depends on multiple factors, including the ingredients used for preparing the cleaner. By following the tips from this article, you can certainly clean your microwave without doing any damage.